Note: The changes here are for release 3.1.24198 and newer. If you wish to review the full update history for SPFLite there is a file in the main install folder ( \SPFLite3\Changes for Original SPFLite.txt )

Between 3.0.24069 AND 3.1.24198 (Jul 16/2024)

Items That MAY Impact You. 

    • Some old commands of very limited usefulness have been removed: 

  AUTONUM                Renumber lines automatically

  FOLD                Always Uppercase text data when displayed

  NONUMBER               Turn Number mode off

  NUMBER                 Validate and generate line numbers

  NUMTYPE                Define the numbering 'style' to use

  ORDER                  Re-Order file line numbers

  UNNUMBER              Remove existing line numbers

    • Support for 'Command Chaining' has been removed. This is NOT the support for separating multiple commands on the command line. Command Chaining provided a powerful method to pass located data lines between commands. Unfortunately there was a steep learning curve to master the technique, and it was never really utilized. 
    • Numeric literals, such as +123, -2 etc. which previously were treated as simple literal strings must now be enclosed in quotes.  e.g. '+123' "-2" etc. 
    • Remove the FIND and CHANGE operands which alter the working options (FIND WORD|CHAR and CHANGE CS|DS) and move those operands to the MODE command. This means the MODE command now looks like:

      MODE  [ EDIT | BROWSE | VIEW ]

         [ WORD | CHAR ]

         [ CS   | DS ]

    • Add new support for dynamically specifying the MACLIB name as a prefix to the macro name on the command line. e.g. maclibname:macname 
    • Add a new primary command LABEL which provides a variety of options to assist in manipulating Line Labels. See Help for full details.

Minor New Features That May Be Of Interest

    • Upgrade the INCLUDE support in the SUBMIT command to handle UTF8 files with embedded BOM markers.
    • Correct error message display so that messages issued by a macro are not removed until all macro issued Post_Do commands are complete. Additional corrections to resolve problems in KB macros with multiple commands.
    • When deleting a FILE section in MEdit, if that File section was modified you will now receive a warning pop-up with a Continue or Exit option.
    • Add a new option to trigger display of a used macro name on the Message line following an interaction. This can assist in confusing situations where there is a macro with the same name as a real SPFLite command.
    • Add a new Options => Screen item to allow specifying the format of the =FILE> line used in MEdit sessions.
    • Extend the SET ALIAS support to handle up to 3 operands in the ALIAS name. This will allow actions like having CMD1 AAA and CMD1 BBB return different alias strings. See Help for more details.

And As Always, Miscellaneous Bug Fixes and Minor Command Enhancements

    • Correct support for creating a new INSTANCE. It was not properly copying the correct previous INSTANCE, it was always copying DEFAULT.
    • Correct IMACRO support. FileWatch ReLoad and MEdit were not honoring an IMACRO xxxx OFF setting.
    • Correct the generalized internal search routine: The support for negative color searches was simply not working.
    • Correct the Get_FileBase$ macro function to return the proper filename from a MEdit session.
    • Correct a delete of a FILE section in MEdit. It was incorrectly setting the modified flag on the next FILE section.
    • Correct an error in the Environment variable substitution routine which was causing a character to be dropped.
    • Correct an error in handling empty SET tables.
    • Completely separate the setting of Profile options SOURCE and COLLATE to avoid  confusion. Previously setting SOURCE could also result in COLLATE being changed.
    • Correct a bug which prevented the File Manager FF (Find in Files) command from processing files which required usage of the XFORM macro support to read the file. Also FF was not always switching back to FM Mode after the search.
    • Correct the opening of Font and Color Choice dialogs to properly block the previous dialog (e.g. OPTIONS) from being closed before the Font/Color dialog is complete.
    • Correct an error in the Macro function SPF_EXEC, it was not setting the Return Code properly.
    • As part of this release, errors were detected in several commands which were not handling all their optional features as documented. They were corrected.
    • Performance improvements to the search routines for large tables. Serial searches were replaced with Binary Search routines.
    • Some tweaks to the primitives WordLeft, WordRight and MASK insertion on Inserted lines to improve cursor positioning. Also allow WordLeft and WordRight to be used on the command line.
    • Increase stack space to allow MEdit to handle a larger number of files being loaded when FileWatch is also active. The limit is now ~~ 500 files.
    • Alter (slightly) the syntax for the SET command to better support the need for SET variables.
    • Add a warning whenever an SPFLite macro located in the Primary MACLIB folder is created / written / renamed etc. IF the macro name would effectively replace a standard Primary or Line command. This is just a reminder to help avoid future confusion when a normal function seems to be mis-behaving.
    • Alter the display of =FILE> lines so they do NOT scroll sideways during LEFT / RIGHT operations.
    • Upgrade the SQL library support to the latest version of SQLite (3.46.0) to pick up any SQL fixes and maintenance.

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