
 Last Update:  Jul 16 / 2024


Release 3.1.24198 Release 3.1.24198 has been released.  

This release is a major release. As such the program name has incremented from SPFLite2.EXE to SPFLite3.EXE.

Although this release is being done as a whole new 'release', you will find that it is still the same old SPFLite you have used before. 

Almost all the changes which make this a significant upgrade are internal. The outward appearance and user interface are almost entirely unchanged. Your settings and configuration data will continue to work as before.

The install will place SPFLite3 into a separate folder, it will not touch your SPFLite2 install.

So why change from SPFLite2 to SPFLite3?

With such a major internal change, and despite significant testing, there may still be some lurking bugs or inconsistencies.  By splitting off it's possible to have both SPFLite2 and SPFLite3 installed at the same time. Once you are comfortable that SPFLite3 is working to your satisfaction, you can uninstall SPFLite2 using the normal Windows uninstall procedure.

We highly recommend you review the Change Log for specifics of the updates. 


View the Change Log,  the complete documentation, or go directly to the Download Page.  

Is this you?

    • Looking for a line-oriented ISPF style editor because Windows character-mode text editors just don't do it for you?
    • Been a loyal Tritus SPF or SPF/PC user and feel 'left behind' now that they're gone?
    • Miss ISPF features like Exclude, Overlay, Bounds, Sort, Hex mode, etc.?
    • Like to tweak and customize your edit environment?
    • Want support for special file formats, like EBCDIC, RECFM=V or RECFM=F, and Unicode?
    • A Hercules mainframe emulator user who wants to SUBMIT jobs and have a practical SYSOUT browser?
    • Want power-user features other editors don't have?  Even ISPF?

Well, maybe you've found the solution: SPFLite


It does not support the full Dialog Management structure that ISPF/PDF does, but as a programmers text editor it not only compares well with ISPF, it exceeds it in many areas, with new and powerful functions. As well it is extremely flexible and customizable with full keyboard mapping, keyboard macros, and a full macro language to allow creation of new Primary and Line commands. SPFLite has been continually developed and enhanced far beyond its humble beginnings.  Whether you have an SPF/ISPF background or not, you should find SPFLite to be a powerful and useful editing facility.



Please try it out and let us know what you think.  Regardless of whether you end up using it, or whether you register or not, we welcome all your comments, good and bad.  The best place to leave your comments is on the SPFLite Forum.

George Deluca

Robert Hodge

(SPFLite@gmail.com )


Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: What is a Help Authoring tool?