The following Line commands are supported by SPFLite:

   A        After destination

   AA       After block

   B        Before destination

   BB       Before block

   BNDS     Display Bounds line

   C/CC     Mark line(s) to be Copied

   COLS     Display Columns

   D/DD     Mark line(s) to be Deleted

   F        Display first lines in excluded region

   G/GG     Mark line(s) to be Glued together

   H/HH     Mark destination line(s)

   I        Insert temporary new line(s)

   J/JJ     Mark line(s) to be Joined together


   L        Display last lines in excluded region

   LC/LCC   Mark line(s) to be Lower-Cased

   M/MM     Mark line(s) to be Moved

   MD/MDD   Mark line(s) to convert from NOTE lines to Data lines

   MN/MNN   Mark lines to be converted into NOTE lines 

   MARK     Set column markers

   MASK     Specify the mask for newly inserted lines

   N        Insert permanent new line(s)

   NOTE     Insert NOTE or xNOTE lines



   O/OO     Mark line(s) to be Overlaid

   OR/ORR   Mark line(s) to be Overlay Replaced

   PL/PLL   Mark line(s) to be Padded

   R/RR     Mark line(s) to be Repeated

   S        Mark lines(s) to be Shown (un-Excluded)

   SC/SCC   Mark line(s) to be Sentence-cased

   T/TT     Mark line(s) as a selected text area

   TABS     Display Tabs line

   TB/TBB   Mark line(s) to have Text break performed

   TC/TCC   Mark line(s) to be Title-cased

   TF/TFF   Mark line(s) to have Text-flow paragraph applied

   TG/TGG   Mark line(s) to be Text Glued

   TJ/TJJ   Mark line(s) to be Text Joined

   TL/TLL   Mark line(s) to be Trimmed

   TM/TMM   Mark line(s) to have Set text margins applied

   TR/TRR   Mark line(s) to be Truncated

   TS       Text split a line

   TU/TUU   Toggle the User status of line(s)

   TX/TXX   Toggle the X (Exclude) status of line(s)

   U/UU     Mark line(s) as User lines

   UC/UCC   Mark line(s) to be Upper-cased

   V/VV     Mark line(s) to have User line status revoked

   W/WW     Mark line(s) to be Swapped

   WORD     Display valid word characters

   X/XX     Mark line(s) to be Excluded

   (/((     Mark line(s) for Shift columns left

   )/))     Mark line(s) for Shift columns right

   </<<     Mark line(s) for Shift data left

   >/>>     Mark line(s) for Shift data right

   [/[[     Mark line(s) for Indent Shift data left

   ]/]]     Mark line(s) for Indent Shift data right

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Powerful and User-Friendly Help Authoring Tool for Markdown Documents